Thursday, October 31, 2019

Political Order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political Order - Essay Example As per the political principle of Nietzsche, every individual is equal and tends to follow a moral perfectionist approach (Lemm, 2007). Conversely, the other philosopher John Rawls in response to the theory of Nietzsche initiated â€Å"A Theory of Justice†, which elaborates individual rights and liberty (Iowa State University Department of Economics, n.d.). Furthermore, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant’s Principle of Ethical Leadership is duly considered to be the other important dimension in the political order, which values respect, justice, honesty and ethical altruism (Monahan, 2012). Contextually, a British philosopher named John Stuart Mill developed the theory of liberty, which possesses the capability of forming a dynamic political order (Ogunkoya, 2011). It will be vital to mention that the above discussed theories or principles are of great significance and value in the modern political scenario. The essay intends to explore different theories formulated by varied philosophers about the significant concern of political order. An argumentative viewpoint will be presented in this essay determining the creation of political order and its purpose as per the theories laid down by dissimilar philosophers namely Nietzsche, Rawls, Kant and Mill. The effective way of determining the importance of the theories propounded by the philosophers is executing and applying the same in real-world situations. As per the respective theories propounded by the aforesaid philosophers, it can be ascertained that Nietzsche believed in morality and the concept of perfectionist. The idea of perfectionism is not prudent in political situations, as it denotes that human good and morale leads to a better political ruler. This view of moral perfectionism was argued by Rawls wherein, the American philosopher stated that the notion of moral perfectionism is elitist and does not consider forming appropriate political culture in a democratic

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Latin america religious news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Latin america religious news - Essay Example Cuba is also an interesting case, for the dominant Communist ideology embraced by the nation is antithetical to the doctrine of Christianity. Hence, when the key itinerary of the Pope unfolds over the coming days, it would lead to numerous talking points in news media and blogosphere. Scheduled to begin on Friday the 23th of this month, the visit could usher in a â€Å"forward-looking agenda with wiling and capable hemispheric partners.† (Farnsworth, 2012) The Huffington Post article titled The Latin American Spring, published 21st March 2012, goes on to say that â€Å"it is also an opportunity for countries in Latin America to show tangible leadership on a number of issues consistent with hemispheric expectations of representative democracy and open market economies.† (Farnsworth, 2012). This is an interesting observation, for it implies that the purported religious visit has ramifications in the realms of politics and democracy as well. It is also a measure of power w ielded by religious leaders in this region that something as sweeping as democratic and economic reforms are thought possible through directives from the Vatican. The same news item was discussed in the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune of 22 March, 2012. Here, author Nicole Winfield presents some interesting insights into the role of religion in the region. ... The following passage shows the opportunities and challenges in the Cuban leg of the tour. It also indicates the potential of religion to bring about progressive change: â€Å"Cuba's single-party, Communist government never outlawed religion, but it expelled priests and closed religious schools upon Fidel Castro's takeover of Cuba in 1959. Tensions eased in the early 1990s when the government removed references to atheism in the constitution and let believers of all faiths join the Communist Party... John Paul's 1998 visit further warmed relations. But after 14 years there's no doubt that the current visit of Pope Benedict XVI will help the process of development toward democracy and will open new spaces for the church's presence and activity† (Winfield, 2012) Coming to Mexico, religion is an important social denominator in the country, where an estimated 50,000 people were killed during last five years in connection with the war on drugs. The population of the country is over whelmingly Catholic (more than 80%) and members of the cartels that perpetrate violence and terror in the region are also claiming to be Catholics. In this situation, the pontiff will try to use his religious clout over the faithful and help tackle â€Å"what the Church sees as threats to family values, as well as the rise of rival religious movements.† (The Telegraph, 2012) Cuba, on the other hand poses an interesting juxtaposition, for the country’s political culture does not promote religion and only 10 % of the population are Catholics. Nevertheless, considering that part of social work in Cuba is carried out by Catholic institutions, the Pope’s address will highlight and encourage such cooperation between opposing ideological institutions. It will also draw upon historical Christian

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Theories of Leadership in Tata Group

Theories of Leadership in Tata Group Introduction: Leadership is integrated part of our life. According to corporate chief and former US presidential candidate Ross Perot, the principles of leadership are timeless because, in a rapidly changing world, human nature remains a constant. We all experience leadership in our life from early childhood in our families, through friendships, social and sports activities, school higher education, to politics government and of course in our work, we all recognize leadership in other people and often in ourselves. In government, global corporations and small businesses alike, the leadership role is becoming more demanding, more open to scrutiny and more difficult [Roger Gill]. The development of leadership theory also parallels the development of organizational theory. The bureaucratic form of business organization is characterized by laissez-faire leadership whereby so-called leaders tend to avoid taking a stand, ignore problems, not follow up, and refrain from intervening or transactional leadership, in which leaders practise management by exception, focusing only on deviations from what is required, and contingent reward, rewarding people (either materially or psychologically) for achieving what is required. The emergence of the post-bureaucratic form of organization in the late nineteenth century reflects the development of the concept of transformational leadership. Theory Approaches to Leadership: Many Leadership theories and approaches have been evolved around Style, Trait, Behaviour, Situational and Charisma. Many researchers made efforts linking some of the theories across these leadership approaches. However each leadership model has its merit, assumptions and limitations. Most recent researches are conducted on Situational Transformational leadership styles. Various leadership Gurus presented new models as variations to the already existing models. Max Weber, MacGregor, Bass, Bennis Nanus are some of the most important researchers in the area of transformational leadership. However the difference between transactional and transformational leadership is vital in getting the whole concept of transformational leadership theory. In general, a relationship between two people is based on the level of exchange they have. Exchange need not be money or material; it can be anything. The more exchange they have the stronger the relation. Managers expects more productivity from emp loyee in order to give good rewards. In this way, if something is done to anyone based on the return then that relation is called as Transactional type. In business, leaders announce rewards in turn to the productivity. These relations are all about requirements, conditions and rewards. In life, at one point of time, things happen without expectation from other side. Transformational Leaders work toward a common goal with followers; put followers in front and develop them; take followers to next level; inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests in achieving superior results []. Table 1, given below shows Basss full range model of leadership. Table 1 Leadership Approach in TATA Group: TATA Group founded in 1868, is an Indian multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mumbai, India. The Group has more than 500,000 employees spread over six continents (more than 80 countries). TATA Group current market capitalization estimated worth $80bn and is the largest private corporate group in India. TATA Group is biggest employer in UK, employing more than 50,000 people. TATA Group has main interests in communications, IT, engineering, materials, services, energy, consumer products and chemicals. Its current chairman, Ratan Tata is the most influential business leaders in Indias and the worlds most influential person right now. The Tata Group is known for its valued business ethics and corporate governance. Leadership Development in TATA Group: TATA Group has long standing leadership program in its system. Their leadership program is based in British administrative service model. TATAs leadership development programme aims at grooming the managers of today into the leaders of tomorrow. The leadership development programme conceived by JRD Tata, the late chairman of TATA group in 1950s. The idea behind the leadership programme known as Tata Administrative Services (TAS) was to select and groom young managers, provide them opportunity for professional growth, and make them leaders of tomorrow. This is TATAs in-house programme and has goal is to provide training to high performers, act as a cradle of change and develop the leadership qualities. Most of the TATA Group companies are traditionally led by these groomed leaders. Evident Leadership in TATA Group: The TATA Group leadership style has been quite consistent since its existence way back to 1868. The TATA Group has incorporated more leadership changes which are essential in current environment to drive towards to be more competitive. In terms of leadership style, TATA Group has adopted a team-led culture and collective approach. With Ratan Tata as leader of the Group, the management style of the entire TATA Group has changed considerably; trust became a huge facet and theme of the group. Ratan Tata has put a complete organisational restructuring when he took over in 1991 as leader of the TATA Group, by taking a more matrix-style approach building teams. These changes would have obviously transformed a lot in the business, senior managers would have had to be on their toes and flexibility and adaptability became essential qualities to have. The leadership changed from a centralised, command centre to a much more distributed form with employees and all managers enjoying greater respo nsibility and knowledge about the Group, which would have in turn; motivated them to work harder and as a group. From distinctive leadership models available such as the McGregor Theory X and Y; where a theory X manager believes workers dislike work, are not creative and avoid all responsibility while a theory Y manager believes that workers get as much enjoyment from work as they can derive with leisure, accept responsibility and are creative; it can be seen from this, that Ratan Tata wanted all his managers to be modelled as closely to Theory Y and he himself could be called a Theory Y manager. He encouraged managers to be innovative and share all their ideas, consulting actively with them and giving them more responsibility and importantly encouraged team-working. Five Factor Model (Big Five): Emotional Stability: Ratan Tata has very low anxiety within him and has great sense of security with his future leadership. Extraversion: Even being a bachelor Ratan Tata is very sociable. He has produced very positive affect on future leadership of TATA Group. Openness: He believes in originality and versatility. By making  £1200/- car he has shown his great interest with and innovation seeking personality. Agreeableness: Within his management team Ratan Tata is well trusted and very friendly. Conscientiousness: He is very dutifulness. He spent most of his life working for TATA Group without any self-interest. He is very well organised as well. Style (Behaviour) Theory in TATA Group: As per style theory, there are three types of leadership models are evident in leadership. These are as follows. Autocratic Democratic Laissez-faire Ratan Tata is a leader who engages more democratic style of leadership approach. However at previous occasion has used other two kind of style as well. He is more democratic because he always encourages his group leadership to be creating good communication and participation. Future leadership are well informed about future strategy and they are very well engaged in decision making process. Most of the group long-term and short-term strategies are formulated by the lower rank of the leadership. They are treated as stake holders. Until now TATA Group has got leadership within them. Ratan Tata has occasionally shown some form of autocratic style of leadership. Sometimes when needed especially when quick and informed decisions have to be taken, but he is never too commanding in his nature, being a man of few words and being more of a man of action, this is evident from the manner he aggressively pushes for bold international deals, such as during the global acquisitions of business powe rhouses such as Corus, Jaguar and Land Rover, and Tetley Tea. One of his senior leadership team member, Muthuraman( Executive Director) refers him Ratan was the chief architect of the Corus deal. I was worried about the magnitude and the amount of money. But he instilled confidence. In daily routine matters and in developing the leadership, Ratan Tata also uses facets of the Laissez-Faire model such as the delegation of important duties and decision-making, he also does not in any way interfere with any managers functioning, he might make a broad strategic assessment but he does not interfere in operational issues and details, this shows that he has complete trust and faith in his managers and believes in their ability, this quote from Gopalakrishnan, an executive director of the company, shows how much value Ratan Tata places on his trust, this can be highly motivating for managers and workers alike, I remember what Ratan told us at a meeting. He said that he will continue to trust all his managers, but once they lose that trust, he will go after them. I think that is a very fair deal. Max Webers Leadership Model in TATA Group: Looking at Max Webers Transactional and Transformational Leadership models, where a leader is classed in three forms which are Bureaucratic, Charismatic and Traditional, where a bureaucratic leader is one who is always bound by the set rule and does not want to go beyond them; a Traditional leader is one who does and follows everything from a long past or history and always loyally obeys these traditions; a Charismatic leader is one who uses his own laurels or abilities to inspire and is one who can be described as radically opposed to administrative rules and legal principles. From these models, Ratan Tata falls into the Charismatic form because he is one who leads by example, coming up with highly innovative ideas such as  £1200 (Rs. One Lakh) car the Nano, budget hotels or low-end watches, he brought radical change to the Tata Group as a whole, changing it from its Traditional mindset to new more flexible and adaptive cultural mindset. Bennis Nanus Transformational Leadership Model in TATA Group: We can see from Bennis and Nanuss Transformational Leadership model that the transformational leaders groom their followers into self-empowered leaders and their main focus is to articulate vision and values clearly so the newly self-empowered leaders know where to go. Their traits include logical thinking, persistence, empowerment and self-control. Benniss and Nanus has evolved the model which emphasis on the four Is of Transformational leadership, which are Idealised Influence (being a role model) Inspirational Motivation (creating a team spirit, motivating and provide a challenge) Intellectual Stimulation (innovation and creativity) Individual Consideration (mentoring and providing support for followers) Ratan Tata, Chairman of the TATA Group has been proved a true transformational leader. We can see all Is built-in in Ratan Tata. He is the leader with great vision hence he knows right approach to groom future leadership. He has implemented the team spirit in whole group at every level. He empowers all his managers and executives and has complete faith in them, he is extremely innovative and is credited for much of the Groups new products, he places a great deal of importance to his RD department and he definitely cares deeply about the welfare of all his employees and managers. During the Mumbais terrorist attack in Taj Hotel, he took front line in leading at the time of crises. In his vision statement he articulated One hundred years from now, I expect TATA Group to be much bigger, of course, than it is now. More importantly, I hope the Group comes to be regarded as being the best in India. Best in the Manner in which we operate, best in the products we deliver and best in our valu e system and ethics. Having said that, I hope that a hundred years from now we will spread our wings far beyond India, that we become a global group, operating in many countries, as Indian business conglomerate that is at home in the world, carrying the same set of trust as we do today []. As a leader of a global business group, Ratan Tata knows the fierce competition experienced by his business empire. He makes all effort to make his business competitive at global level. Through transformational leadership process TATA Group has made their processes and technology up to date. Once Ratan Tata said to his managers in his vision speech A company or business which remains static is a business that will die; a company that constantly changes and accepts that there are better ways to do things than the way they are done today, is a company that will survive in the global market that we face. From this statement we can infer that he knows the importance of developing a good leadership within group to take TATA Group to new heights. Ratan Tata involves strategy in leadership. He is a deep thinker and a brilliant strategist as is described by one of his Executive Directors, Alan Rosling, He is a deep thinker and extremely strategic. He is always 2-3 steps ahead. Ratan Tata is a man of strong integrity, ethics and valued principles. He cultivated the same across the TATA Group companies. One of his companies CEO said Tata has shown that there is no other way he will do business other than do it ethically. He believes in strong value based leadership approach in doing business. Ratan Tata has led the TATA Group to transforming from local business group to become a global leader. Conclusions: Ratan Tata of the Tata Group is a more kind of transformational leader. He made Tata Group as global brand. He has provided inspiration to leaders within his own company. In Tata Group leaders are engaged in decision making at every level. Ratan Tata has successfully led and motivated its CEO/MD of the group companies to be ambitious. He has always adopted a ethical approach in group business. Ratan Tata has adopted a management by consensus style. He stated once When a number of persons are involved I am definitely a consensus man, but that does not mean that I do not disagree or that I do not express my views. Basically it is a question of having to deal with individual men heading different enterprises. You have to adapt yourself to their ways and deal accordingly and draw out the best in each man. If I have any merit it is getting on with individuals according to their ways and characteristics. I have dealt with a hundred top directors and I have got on with all of them. At times it involves suppressing yourself. It is painful but necessary. To be a leader you have got to lead human beings with affection. Ratan Tata has ability to spot the talent. And once he has confident that a manager will perform, he gave him a long rope. Leading a large group of companies in the days of fast changing business scenario of changing regulations, increasing competition and opening up of economy could be an arduous challenge for many. Leading the firm through these times and four-folding the groups revenues could be a dream. Doing this requires clear vision, innate conviction, ability to inspire and guide along the way. Ratan Tata established himself to be the right leader who has helped the company sail through the turbulent waters and reach the desired lands. These targets never existed or were thought not feasible by the company earlier. This all achieved because of the inspiring leadership. Reference List DBS Managing People Lecture Notes Roger Gill, Theory and Practice of Leadership, Sage Publication, 2006 Robins, S.P Judge T.A (2010) 10th Edition, Essentials of Organizational Behaviour, Pearson, ISBN 0-13-815763-4 Visionary Leadership: Creating a Compelling Sense of Direction for Your Organization (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series): Burt Nanus Tata Group Annual Reports (1991 -2011)

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Progress of Human Rights Reform in Turkey Essay example -- Politic

The Progress of Human Rights Reform in Turkey Throughout the last half-century of American politics, the Presidents of the United States have been more susceptible to public attack and scorn than ever before in our history. Through events such as Nixon's Watergate, Clinton's impeachment, and the Bush wars the public has voiced scathing criticism of our national leaders without fear of personal harm. People in America know that they can openly criticize anyone and anything in our country including our president or the pillars of our country's history like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, or even our first president George Washington. Americans do not think much about human rights because they are interlaced into the very fabric of our society. However, such rights and freedoms are not afforded to all people, and in some countries, like Turkey, a person could be killed or tortured for simply criticizing their government. Turkey is an interesting nation because in many ways it represents the divide between Western Judeo-Christian societies and Middle Eastern Islamic societies. In fact, since the beginning of the 1900's, Turkey has always been the place where Europe trails off, and another reality, another world begins.[i] As a result, it possesses many different tenets that form an amalgam within their culture, government, and everyday life. For many years Turkey and human rights were tantamount to oil and water so in order to examine their progress we must consider the short history of Turkey as a country, Turkey?s current status, and the impact of the European Union. Turkey?s brief history ?Since being founded on July 24, 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the self-proclaimed ?Father of the Turks?, Turkey?s ... ...ic, p.96. [xiii] Kilic, p.97. [xiv] Richard F. Nyrop ed., Turkey a Country Study (Washington: American, 1980), p. 188. [xv] Kilic, p. 98. [xvi] Pope, p. 152. [xvii] Pope, p. 152. [xviii] Kilic, p. 99. [xix] Kilic, p. 95. [xx] Kilic, p. 101. [xxi] Great-if they really happen; Turkey?s reforms, The Economist, August 10, 2002, pNA. [xxii] Great-if they really happen; Turkey?s reforms. [xxiii] Turkey?s human rights, The Economist, September 4, 1999, p. 50. [xxiv] Owen Matthews and Sami Kohen, Glasnost in the Air, Newsweek International, July 14, 2003, p. 33. [xxv] Matthews and Kohen, p. 33. [xxvi] Matthews and Kohen, p. 33. [xxvii] Matthews and Kohen, p. 33. [xxviii] Great- if they really happen; Turkey?s reforms. [xxix] Romano, p.12. [xxx] Matthews and Kohen, p. 33. [xxxi] Pope, p. 256. [xxxii] Kilic, p. 104.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Factors affecting students academic performance in English 11 Essay

Factors affecting the academic performance in English 11 of first year AB-English students of the School of Arts and Criminology Introduction  Academic performance is one of the crucial areas of a learner’s life. Some learners may not be bothered if they progress or not, however, their parents are left with great distress if their children do not perform. This is because families, as well as the government invest in the education of child. On top of that, generally all parents would want their children to be successful citizens in future. â€Å"When young people fail at school, it is most often not because they are stupid, crazy or psychologically incapable. Rather, it is because they have not been taught the developmentally appropriate tools, skills and strategies every child needs to succeed in school and in life. â€Å" John Jay, stated that multiple factors come to play when it comes to academic performance of a learner, which need to be considered should one want to perform better. Research has found that determinants of learners’ performance have been the subject of on-going debate among educators, academics and policy makers. Different people believe that different factors affect learners differently under different circumstances. However there are some form of consensus on general factors that affect that performance. These include socio-economic, psychological and environmental factors. Different people come from different backgrounds – not everyone can afford school fees, for example, and therefore some children may not attend school properly because of such reasons, which may affect their academic performance at the end of the day. Smoking, alcohol, time spent sleeping and stress all have a great affect on students’ academic performance ( Pat & Tyler). Learners need to take care of their personal health, which includes eating healthy, doing exercise, getting enough sleep and rest. Behaviors such as smoking and drug usage may impact the school performance as these interfere with the brain functioning. Stress has been found to interfere with performance, and should therefore be taken seriously. Many factors can cause stress, including financial constraints, child abuse, parental neglect, irresponsibility and divorce, among many others. If a child is stressed, they may not focus on their schoolwork as their minds are often occupied by disturbing thoughts that may not leave room for them to study as effectively as they ought to do. Negative thoughts  can trouble a child and escalate into suicidal thoughts. These thoughts can lead to self-destructive behavioral patterns, but the thoughts in themselves can already be distracting from schoolwork and therefore directly and indirectly have an impact on academic performance. Some learners wish to progress in school, but they might not always perform as they wish, even if they feel they are trying their best.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reputation: Advantage or Disadvantage Essay

Reputation can make or break an individual. It determines how people view one another and it also decides how people treat and react to each other. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the monster, Victor Frankenstein and Elizabeth Lavenza face struggles with their reputation and how it defines them. Also, in Othello by William Shakespeare, Iago, Othello and Desdemona are presented with similar struggles to the ones the characters in Frankenstein face. The presentation of reputation in both works allows the readers to understand how the characters interpret each other, how reputation can cause an inner struggle within a character and how reputation can cause a characters ultimate downfall. Reputation plays a large role in how the characters interpret each other. In these particular works, reputation gives a false understanding of two specific characters. In Frankenstein, the monster is completely misunderstood by the people around him. His grotesque appearance gives him a violent reputation, which even the monster himself recognizes. The monster says, â€Å"I was, besides, endued with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man† (Shelley, 119). Although the monster does display acts of violence during the duration of the novel, killing William Frankenstein for example, it is because he was thrown into a world with no one similar to him. He doesn’t understand how to act, and also he doesn’t seem to understand the concept of right and wrong. The monster just hopes for understanding, love and attention from anyone, but especially from his creator. When the monster says, â€Å"Cursed, cursed creator? Why did I live? Why in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of life which you had so wantonly bestowed? I know not† (Shelley, 137), it becomes visible to the audience that the monster is aware the he is unnatural and it displays his confusion towards his own creation. A being with a truly evil nature would and could not wonder why they were created. Additionally, if he was indeed evil, he would not be pitying himself or feelings remorse about anything. Another character that is misunderstood because of his reputation is Iago. In this case, Iagos false reputation is what causes him to be so successful in his mission to take down Othello. Othello repeatedly refers to Iago as, â€Å"most honest† (2. 3. 6), which the audience knows to be incorrect. Othellos belief in Iagos so called honest nature and their friendship is what leads Othello to be blinded by the tricks Iago is playing. Iagos true nature is pure evil. He is constantly referred to as Devil Incarnate because he is conniving, vindictive, and he is able to commit terrible acts without feeling remorse. Iagos deception ignited Othellos doubts in Cassio and Desdemona. In addition, he has directly caused Roderigos death and he is indirectly the cause of Desdemonas death. At the start of the play, Iago says, â€Å"Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty / But seeming so for peculiar end† (1. 1. 60-61). He’s saying that he does everything for himself, not for Othello and that his actions are not to be mistaken for love and respect of duty. Othello is supposedly his best friend, yet Iago goes against him anyways. Emilia, Iagos wife, is stabbed by her own husband because she knows the truth about his tricks and he cannot risk the truth getting out. When it comes to power, Iago will stop at nothing to attain it. Along with interpretation, reputation can also have an enormous contrast with a characters personality. Through the use of his reputation, the readers see Victor Frankenstein change immensely. Victor holds a reputation of being a kind man with an overwhelming intelligence. He says, â€Å"curiosity, earnest research to learn rapture, as they were unfolded to me, are among the earliest sensations I can remember† (Shelley, 25). He’s always had a passion to learn and this is where the theme of danger of knowledge can come into play. Victor begins to struggle with his behaviour in comparison to his reputation. He tries to play God by putting together body parts from different users and it fails miserably for him. When Victor sees the monster he has created, he says, â€Å"the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart† (Shelley, 49). Only when he sees the monster does Victor realize the error of his ways. He believes that by pretending that the monster was never created, that he will essentially go away, but that is not the case. The monster begins to wreak havoc in an attempt to get the attention he craves from his creator. The creation and the acts of rebellion from the monster cause Victor to become ill and that’s how Robert Walton finds him in The Arctic, which the readers learn in the letters Walton sends to his sister, Margaret. Victor faces an internal battle between his actions, his conscience, and his reputation, which causes his illness and his death at the end of the book. Othello also faces the struggle with his reputation. Othello is introduced as a confident, well spoken, and well respected character. Every other character in the play, even Iago can agree that Othello is, â€Å"of a free and open nature† (1. 3. 390). Iago is commenting on Othellos personality and he’s basically saying that Othello is very straightforward. Othello is appointed Governor of Cyprus and is responsible for keeping up with the expectation everyone has of him. The first signs of his inner struggle are seen when he begins to believe what Iago is telling him. Othello orders Iago to gather more information about Cassio and Desdemona. Othello begins changing the moment Iago mentions a possible relationship between Cassio and Desdemona. Othello is skeptical at first, but becomes convinced when Iago tells him that Cassio has Desdemonas handkerchief, which was Othellos first gift to her. He then begins to become more observant of what Desdemona does, and eventually, he starts to plan Cassio and Desdemonas demise. Othello ends up killing Desdemona and that’s when Lodivico and Gratiano compare him to his reputation. Lodivico says, â€Å"O, thou Othello, that wert once so good† (5. 2. 288). This testimonial from Lodivico shows the readers that Othello has completely changed and lost against his struggle. His reputation and his personality are now polar opposites. Othello has lost the respect of his peers and his position as Governor of Cyprus. Lastly, in both works, reputation is responsible for causing two characters downfalls. Elizabeth Lavenza is the type of stereotypical woman that is kind and would do anything for her husband. Elizabeth has always been considered to be beautiful and her beauty can be seen as an advantage and a disadvantage for her. The Frankenstein family picked Elizabeth out of many children at the adoption agency because of her image and her image has also gotten her into a relationship, and soon to be marriage with Victor. Even though her beauty has helped her, Elizabeth has been nothing more than just, â€Å"a pretty present for Victor† (Shelley, 24). Elizabeth is the type of wife that supports everything her husband does and she would never go against him. Towards the ending of the book, the monster kills Elizabeth on the night of her marriage to Victor. The monster does this as a form of punishment for Victor, since he destroyed the female monster. The monsters gives Victor a warning by saying, â€Å"I shall be with you on your wedding night† (Shelley, 173), and Victor misunderstands the warning. He believes that the monster is coming after him and because of that, he leaves Elizabeth unattended and vulnerable to the monster. Elizabeth and Victor knew each other since childhood, and not once did Elizabeth over step the boundary of getting into Victors personal business. Elizabeth died because of the man she would do anything for. She died because she fits the reputation of a blinded woman in a relationship. Desdemona is also a woman who is seen as a personal possession. At first she belonged to her father, Brabantio, and the readers see an example of this when Iago and Roderigo tell Brabantio that he’s been robbed of something, which is his daughter. After Othello marries Desdemona, she is considered his. Although Othello treats Desdemona with love and respect, her reputation is still a wife that is considered an object, and a wife that would never go against her husband. Desdemona obeys every command she is given. An example of this is Othello telling Desdemona to go to her bed chamber and send away Emilia, and after Desdemona does what he says, she tells Emilia that, â€Å"It was his bidding; therefore good Emilia/ Give me my nightly wearing and adieu/ We must not displease him† (4. 3. 15-17). This specific example is about something as minor as sleep, but Othello also commands her about more serious things. Although Desdemona is the same as her reputation for majority of the play, there is one time where she isn’t. She asks Othello to give Cassio another chance even when Othello tells her that he doesn’t wish to speak with Cassio. This one difference from her reputation is the start of her downfall. Othello becomes sure of the love affair between Desdemona and Cassio and he begins to plot her death and then eventually murder her by suffocation. Even in death Desdemona stays true to her reputation. When Emilia asks Desdemona who is responsible for her murder, she says, â€Å"nobody; I myself† (5. 2. 125). Othello just committed the ultimate betrayal by causing her passing and she still defends him. Desdemona attempts to protect Othellos reputation by clinging to her own. In both works studied, reputation can be used to a characters advantage or disadvantage. Iago benefits from his reputation, while the monster gets pushed into isolation and more violence. The contrast between Othello at the end of the play and his original reputation cause his struggle, while Victor’s actions cause his illness. Additionally, both Elizabeth and Desdemona die because of the reputation that is put onto them. Although sometimes reputations can be viewed as a good thing, more often than not, they bring more trouble than good.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Middle Eat and the Woman Question essays

The Middle Eat and the Woman Question essays The role of women is crucial to any society's formation. Particularly in the Middle East, the correlation between gender and the nation is instrumental in the formation of the modern state. Essentially, the "Woman Question" attempts to understand the role of women within the modern state and their effect on its construction. It is not a gendered analysis but a holistic approach to understanding society in the Middle East. In following the emergence of women's movements in Egypt, Jordan, and Iran, a connection is clear: Nationalism and revolutions, or the lack thereof, have impacted women immensely. To understand the status of women in these countries, the relationship between women and the state must be established. In her examination of women's movements from 1900-1945, Ellen Fleischmann presents three thematic stages of development. The first is the awakening in which social practices that affect women are questioned. Following this awakening, is an "adoption of nationalism as a liberating discourse," which connects women's nationalist activities to their liberation. Finally, the third stage brings the evolution of state feminism. In this way, "nationalism often had a 'releasing effect' on women...through their involvement in nationalism, they developed over time an internal critique of gender relations." This framework referred to women's movements in the first half of the 20th Century. However, these stages are useful in examining the modern movements in the Middle East and how they relate to gender and the nation. Qasim Amin presents a convincing correlation between repressive government rule and the consequential treatment of women. He credits Egypt's system to authoritarian government rule, which was mirrored within the family. A repressive government led to the suppression of women within the home and society. Here the woman question is determined and overshadowed by despotic rule. The nation had its biggest impact ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Golden Compass

Lyra Balacqua is 12 years old. In the whole world, everybody has a daemon, a creature that can shape shift into any animal it wants. In this case, Pantalaimon is Lyra’s daemon. Lord Asriel is Lyra’s uncle, and he is a very powerful man. There are scholars in Jordan College and there is Master, along with the other school staff. Lyra is very sneaky, therefore she goes in the retiring home which she shouldn’t be in. She looks around the room and Pantalaimon, a moth, whispered, â€Å"Someone is coming! Hurry we better hide!† So Lyra a Pantalaimon hides in the closet. They here someone open the door, and it is a butler and Master. They were talking, but then, Lyra saw the butler leave, and saw Master putting some kind of powder into Lord Asriel’s drink. â€Å"It’s poison!† Later, Lord Asriel came in. He lifted the cup with the powder in it and then barely touched it with his lips when Lyra shouted, â€Å"NOOOOOO!!!!!!† â€Å"How di d you get in here Lyra?† asked Lord Asriel. Lyra told her uncle about what she saw Master do. Lord Asriel told Lyra to go and hide in the closet because there will be a meeting in the retiring room. So she hid in the closet. She saw scholars, the Master, and the librarian come in. It was a long meeting, so she went to sleep. When she woke up, she heard her uncle talking about Dust. It only shone on a man figure, but there is also a figure of a child. The child is not affected of the so-called Dust. Beyond the child, you could see an outline of a city. The weird thing is that it is floating. Master kept on looking at the cup. â€Å"How did he know about the drink?† The Master seemed to be talking to the librarian, so that meant that the librarian knew the scheme also. Soon after, Lyra went out of the retiring room. The Master accompanied her, and handed her a little device that looked like a watch, the only difference was that the device had pictures. Master said that sh e should keep it private. It was called ... Free Essays on The Golden Compass Free Essays on The Golden Compass Lyra Balacqua is 12 years old. In the whole world, everybody has a daemon, a creature that can shape shift into any animal it wants. In this case, Pantalaimon is Lyra’s daemon. Lord Asriel is Lyra’s uncle, and he is a very powerful man. There are scholars in Jordan College and there is Master, along with the other school staff. Lyra is very sneaky, therefore she goes in the retiring home which she shouldn’t be in. She looks around the room and Pantalaimon, a moth, whispered, â€Å"Someone is coming! Hurry we better hide!† So Lyra a Pantalaimon hides in the closet. They here someone open the door, and it is a butler and Master. They were talking, but then, Lyra saw the butler leave, and saw Master putting some kind of powder into Lord Asriel’s drink. â€Å"It’s poison!† Later, Lord Asriel came in. He lifted the cup with the powder in it and then barely touched it with his lips when Lyra shouted, â€Å"NOOOOOO!!!!!!† â€Å"How di d you get in here Lyra?† asked Lord Asriel. Lyra told her uncle about what she saw Master do. Lord Asriel told Lyra to go and hide in the closet because there will be a meeting in the retiring room. So she hid in the closet. She saw scholars, the Master, and the librarian come in. It was a long meeting, so she went to sleep. When she woke up, she heard her uncle talking about Dust. It only shone on a man figure, but there is also a figure of a child. The child is not affected of the so-called Dust. Beyond the child, you could see an outline of a city. The weird thing is that it is floating. Master kept on looking at the cup. â€Å"How did he know about the drink?† The Master seemed to be talking to the librarian, so that meant that the librarian knew the scheme also. Soon after, Lyra went out of the retiring room. The Master accompanied her, and handed her a little device that looked like a watch, the only difference was that the device had pictures. Master said that sh e should keep it private. It was called ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Absurdity Of Existence Illustrated In Dumb Waiter

Absurdity Of Existence Illustrated In Dumb Waiter ‘There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false’. I believe that these assertions still make sense and do still apply to the exploration of reality through art. So as a writer I stand by them but as a citizen I cannot. As a citizen I must ask: What is true? What is false?’ ( Harold Pinter ) The theme of nothingness is one of the major themes discussed in existentialism, which, while pervading the movement, shows a common affinity between the Absurd and Existentialism rejecting all of the philosophies, sciences, political theories, and religions which fail to mirror manà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s essence as a conscious being. Existentialism discovers and discusses the themes and topics which present a living crueler, darker, and more hopeless than a naturalistic or modern one. Existentialism had a great influence on the thinkers and artists of the time, an influence which led them to the revision of their insight concerning man and his position in the universe. Pinter, like existentialists is involved in the discord of living. His characterization reveals the same anguish apparent in Existentialism. Almost all of the writers who had influenced Pinterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s dramaturgy (concerning Dumb Waiter, Pinterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s work is heavily influenced by Samuel Beckett) were either founders or forerunners of the avant-garde Theatre of the Absurd. Pinter sees the funny side of the absurd. Since there is nothing for Pinter that is not funny, he employs a comic way of expression to laugh at everything, even at the tragic parts of existence. In a Pinter play, the apparently funny scene (considering Dumb Waiter, the scene in which Ben rushes toward Gus in a very threatening way) is simultaneously frightening and inhumane in terms of what the characters are experiencing. The Dumb Waiter, like many other Pinter pla ys, follows the relationship by which the nature of the man-to-man connection is analyzed. In it nothing is ever accomplished through dialogue. Most human interaction in day-to-day life accomplishes nothing more than passing time. Therefore when reading, or indeed watching the play we are overwhelmed by the futility of existence. Most conversation that occurs between Ben and Gus are pointless, and each character has trouble dealing with each other, and therefore, society. The characters are situated in a world where dream and the real are mixed up, tragic and comic are interwoven, the choice becomes a real catastrophe, and disconnected situations are what determine the individualsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸ prospect of the future life. The two killers in The Dumb Waiter are locked up in a room before they carry out their killing. Pinter contrasts the violence of their jobs with their commonplace language and concerns; on the surface we have a bare plot accompanying with a complex implication un derneath it. It reveals a more complex reality that is not comprehensible when observed superficially; such themes as loneliness, lack of communication, fear of the world outside, and the terror of future become the major concern of the absurdist writer. It probes into the essence of manà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s position in the universe and his inquiry for knowledge. The two characters on the stage, though apparently limited and undeveloped, examine a deeper and wider extent of human existence in which man is a play-thing employed by some superior beings (here someone called Wilson whose identity is unclear) to play their roles on the stage like puppets of no importance. Unaware Gus asks many questions, inquiring for knowledge, attempting to step beyond oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s limitations, an attempt which is futile in existentialism. Gus is the one who commits the crime and wants to transcend and find the cause-and-effect relationship in the course of the events, while, since the effect in exis tentialism precedes the cause, reasoning is an absurd thing. However, Gusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s desire for knowledge is discernible from the very beginning of the play: Ben. Kaw! What about this? Listen to this! He refers to the paper A man of eighty-seven wanted to cross the road. But there was a lot of traffic, see? He couldnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸t see how he was going to squeeze through. So he crawled under a lorry. Gus. He what? Ben. He crawled under a lorry. A stationary lorry. Gus. No? Ben. The lorry started and ran over him. Gus. Go on! Ben. Thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s what it says here. Gus. Get away. Ben. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s enough to make you want to puke, isnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸t it? Gus. Who advised him to do a thing like that? Ben. A man of eighty-seven crawling under a lorry! Gus. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s unbelievable. Ben. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s down here in black and white. Gus. Incredible. Or considering another part of the play: GUS I asked you a question. BEN Enough! GUS (with growing agitation). I asked you before. Who moved in? You said the people who had it before moved out. Well, who moved in? BEN (hunched). Shut up GUS I told you, didn’t I? BEN (standing). Shut up! GUS (feverishly). I told you before who owned this place, didn’t I? I told you BEN hits him viciously on the shoulder. I told you who ran this place, didn’t I? BEN hits him viciously on the shoulder As it is seen in this opening conversation, It is clear here that Gus is no longer the uncertain and subservient partner. Gus questions the possibility of that event in the society. He is looking for the cause, the origin or motivation by asking, â€Å"Who advised him to do a thing like that?† Meanwhile, Ben accepts it as it is without questioning its possibility. â€Å"Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s down here in black and white†, he simply states. Gus wants to know more about his job, about the disorders he sees in the basement or those who are on the upper floor. It is this perpetual questio ning that entrants him as the victim of the final scene. He is Benà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s Labrador, doing exactly as told as if he were unable to think for himself. Gus questions everything: Oh, I wanted to ask you something? . . . Gus. What time is he getting in touch? Ben reads. What time is he getting in touch? Ben. Whatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s the matter with you? It could be any time. Any time . . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Gus (moves to the foot of Ben’s bed).Well, I was going to ask you a question. Ben. What? Gus. Have you noticed the time that tank takes to fill? Ben. What tank? Gus. In the lavatory. Here Gus is after knowledge so as to decrease the fear of unknown in himself while, Ben by preventing the thought of danger, does not allow the fear to imprison his mind. This, of course, makes the whole difference. Thus, the desire for knowledge itself causes the final catastrophe (the murder of Gus). If Be n had the knowledge to respond to Gusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s questions, there would be no conflict at all, and Gus could act more freely, or die knowingly. But life in Pinterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s view, like all other absurdist-existentialist writers, is a big game in which everything happens arbitrarily, and the gun that you have aimed at the other, may suddenly turn back at yourself.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Pythagorean Theorem Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Pythagorean Theorem - Coursework Example This GPS navigation also requires the application of Pythagorean Theorem (Maor, 2007). Pythagorean Theorem is used to determine the size of a television or a computer monitor. Through determining the length and breadth of the screen and using the formula of Pythagorean Theorem [c= √(a2+b2)], the diagonal size of the screen is determined (Maor, 2007). Pythagorean Theorem is highly effective and is comparatively easy than any other mathematical tool hence, it is extensively used. There is no other geometrical concept required to determine the size of the screen. Moreover, there are no other available tools in the modern day that determines the same (Lorenz Educational Press, 2014). Pythagorean Theorem is also effective in determining the size of a ladder for painting a building of specific height and maintaining a specific distance for safety. Through determining the height of the building and the distance from the building in where the ladder is placed, the height of the ladder would be determined through the use of Pythagorean Theorem formula [c= √(a2+b2)] (Lorenz Educational Press, 2014). Pythagorean Theorem is highly effective and is easily applicable hence, is the best tool to apply. Measuring ropes are required to determine the length of the building. There is no other geometrical concept used in the process. Moreover, there are no other tools determined that would resolve the issues (Kramer, 2011). Lorenz Educational Press. (2014). CCSS 8.G.B.7 Applying the Pythagorean Theorem: Aligns to CCSS 8.G.B.7: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions. Ohio: Lorenz Educational

Women and Driving in Saudi Arabia Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Women and Driving in Saudi Arabia - Article Example Men and the Saudi government, in general, do not have any right to direct women on what they should do and what they should not engage in. Moreover, women all over the world including Saudi Arabia have proven that they are worth more than domestic objects. Accordingly, women are involved in management and leadership positions initially reserved for their male counterparts. This goes to show that the same way women are capable of managing other duties including work and family responsibilities, they are also able to manage driving and the challenges that come with this task. Thus, there is no obstacle holding back the government of Saudi Arabia to consent to lift of the driving ban. The Saudi government should let women drive because they have expressed a great willingness to drive. This reveals that the decision to deny women the right to drive is not welcomed by this population. As a result, women have come out and openly to show resistance towards the ban on driving. For example, on October 26, 2013 camping, women set behind the wheel and proved to the people that they could drive (Bynes 1). They recorded themselves driving and uploaded the videos on YouTube. Some people saw the women when they drove and gave them thumbs up which means that many people support women driving. In another protest, women came out in large numbers to test drive around the city. Ironically, as one of the participants narrates the experience, not even the police stopped her, and people around seemed not to notice (Burke 2). Notably, banning women from driving is just in perception, but in reality, it does not raise any concerns.

Hardware Replacement Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hardware Replacement Project - Essay Example Management also needs to consider the various factors that are at play when choosing projects that deliver the best business value. It also includes the factors that influence project risk and strategies for minimizing risks. How the five key variables of project management relate to this scenario The five key variables of project management namely scope, time, cost, quality, and risk apply to this scenario in that their proper analysis can guide the management of this project on organizing and accomplishing the work. They also guide on how to direct activities, report project progress, control project execution and analyzing project results. Scope as a variable of project management defines what and what is not to be included in a new project. In this scenario, the organization should define all the work that needs to be undertaken for successful completion of the new CRM solution project. This will ensure that the scope of the project/work/activities undertaken do not expand beyond what was originally intended. In project management, time refers to the quantity of time required to complete a project. Before the new project can begin, the organization requires to establish the time needed to complete major components of the new CRM solution project. ... Since this is an information systems project, the management should also add the cost of software, hardware and workspace. In project management, quality acts as an indicator of the extent to which the result of a project meets the project objectives specified the management. In this scenario, the quality of the new CRM solution is evidenced by the level of improvements in decision-making and organizational performance in regard to customer relations. In project management, risks refer to the possible problems that would threaten a project’s success. As for this scenario, risks include those possible problems that might prevent the new CRM solution from achieving its objectives. They can achieve this by lowering the quality of its output, increasing its cost and time, and preventing the completion of the project. Considerations that must be applied when selecting projects that deliver the best business value When choosing from a range of projects, organizations should select p rojects that deliver the best business value. In essence, these are projects that promise the greatest benefits to the organization. The two major considerations that must be applied when selecting this type of projects include costs and benefits, and how they relate to the organization’s information systems plan. The costs should be lower than the benefits presented by the project but if the costs are more than the benefits, the project should be rejected. In addition, the investment should represent an attractive return on the capital invested by the firm. In order to know this, the organization is required to conduct additional financial analysis after ascertaining that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategic Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic Marketing Management - Essay Example The research could be casual, descriptive or exploratory in nature according to the needs of the organization. After the analysis is done the organization can move on to developing a viable, long term strategy for the organizations’ marketing efforts. The main focus of the strategy is to allow for segmentation and targeting of the desired customer base and deciding on the value proposition that they would be offered in return for becoming their customers. The basic challenge of strategic marketing is, therefore, to manage marketing intricacy, customer and stakeholder expectations and to reconcile with the effects of a varying atmosphere in the context of certain resource availabilities. Strategic Marketing enthusiasts often adopt management concepts to their unique needs. As the basic purpose of both management and marketing is to explore the relationships an industry or organization has with its environment, some of the widely used management tools and frameworks have been ad opted for the marketing process. These would include the industry analysis techniques of Porter and the portfolio matrices (Fahy, Smithee, 1999, p1). Strategic Marketing Management is a field of study in which due consideration is given to understanding the different parts of the marketing strategy and their integration framework for defining and evolving the market which ultimately helps the marketing manager into transforming concepts and theories into practical strategies and action plans for any organization. In Strategic Marketing Management the focus is on the ‘3 Cs’ of the external environment. The competitors, customers and the channel form the three pronged focus of the firms efforts. By searching and providing better solutions to their customers needs and to cater to their demands is the first step for any the organization in designing a product and related marketing strategy. The competitors are important because ultimately they will impact the consumers buyi ng decision and the overall industry profitability, the strategy has to be such as to differentiate and better the position of the company in the eyes of the consumer from the competitor. Finally, the channel or the supplier side of the equation deals with the processes of manufacturing or producing a good for the market and the people that will have to be dealt with during it all. An organization has to be on the lookout for any opportunities or threats which exist because of changes in the 3 Cs environments, and their marketing strategy has to be strong and flexible enough to adept to these changes in a beneficial way. Like any other process, marketing is also subject to the changes in the technological, lifestyle, social and economical trends. Even more so because marketing, ultimately, is designed to and catered for the needs and wants of the people and these depend largely on the time frame and environmental and psychological factors. In the 21st century there are some trends w hich have slowly become a stronghold in of the modern markets and for the prudent organizations, their strategy has to be managed to accommodate these trends. There is a cynicism prevalent in today’s consumer which makes them check and double check the claims that a company is making about their product or service. They are self conscious about the decisions they make, ethically motivated, passionate about eco friendly practices and generally more

Role of the Photography in Advertising Coursework

Role of the Photography in Advertising - Coursework Example In the formal education setting, the human brain is trained to pick apart the words they are reading in order to analyze texts. This process, though, does not hold true for their perception of photos and images. Through societal standards, we have grown used to accepting photos as truth without applying the analytical process used to comprehend texts. The human awareness of truth in photos has played a major part in the modern day trend of photo manipulations. In this progressively digital era, photos can be manipulated to portray an illusion of whatever the manipulator wants the photo to be. This can be especially predominant in print marketing, where the chief objective is to sway the yearnings or needs of a consumer using photos (Barry 1997, p. 23; Walden 2006, p. 18). In the technology savvy environment where most of our communication is done using imagery, it is challenging to comprehend of a medium more powerful than photos. With the establishment of photography within modern culture, the medium sits together with other forms of imagery, from which it has been created and which it has helped to create, standing as a purely denotative form (Stafford & Faber 2005, p. 57). Photography shares a comparable cultural space with advertising imagery, with the later often relying on the former to deliver its message, while at the same time determining the purpose of photo depiction. Photography and advertising share a mutual and co-dependent past and as such can legitimately be regarded as correlated constructs and forms.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hardware Replacement Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hardware Replacement Project - Essay Example Management also needs to consider the various factors that are at play when choosing projects that deliver the best business value. It also includes the factors that influence project risk and strategies for minimizing risks. How the five key variables of project management relate to this scenario The five key variables of project management namely scope, time, cost, quality, and risk apply to this scenario in that their proper analysis can guide the management of this project on organizing and accomplishing the work. They also guide on how to direct activities, report project progress, control project execution and analyzing project results. Scope as a variable of project management defines what and what is not to be included in a new project. In this scenario, the organization should define all the work that needs to be undertaken for successful completion of the new CRM solution project. This will ensure that the scope of the project/work/activities undertaken do not expand beyond what was originally intended. In project management, time refers to the quantity of time required to complete a project. Before the new project can begin, the organization requires to establish the time needed to complete major components of the new CRM solution project. ... Since this is an information systems project, the management should also add the cost of software, hardware and workspace. In project management, quality acts as an indicator of the extent to which the result of a project meets the project objectives specified the management. In this scenario, the quality of the new CRM solution is evidenced by the level of improvements in decision-making and organizational performance in regard to customer relations. In project management, risks refer to the possible problems that would threaten a project’s success. As for this scenario, risks include those possible problems that might prevent the new CRM solution from achieving its objectives. They can achieve this by lowering the quality of its output, increasing its cost and time, and preventing the completion of the project. Considerations that must be applied when selecting projects that deliver the best business value When choosing from a range of projects, organizations should select p rojects that deliver the best business value. In essence, these are projects that promise the greatest benefits to the organization. The two major considerations that must be applied when selecting this type of projects include costs and benefits, and how they relate to the organization’s information systems plan. The costs should be lower than the benefits presented by the project but if the costs are more than the benefits, the project should be rejected. In addition, the investment should represent an attractive return on the capital invested by the firm. In order to know this, the organization is required to conduct additional financial analysis after ascertaining that

Role of the Photography in Advertising Coursework

Role of the Photography in Advertising - Coursework Example In the formal education setting, the human brain is trained to pick apart the words they are reading in order to analyze texts. This process, though, does not hold true for their perception of photos and images. Through societal standards, we have grown used to accepting photos as truth without applying the analytical process used to comprehend texts. The human awareness of truth in photos has played a major part in the modern day trend of photo manipulations. In this progressively digital era, photos can be manipulated to portray an illusion of whatever the manipulator wants the photo to be. This can be especially predominant in print marketing, where the chief objective is to sway the yearnings or needs of a consumer using photos (Barry 1997, p. 23; Walden 2006, p. 18). In the technology savvy environment where most of our communication is done using imagery, it is challenging to comprehend of a medium more powerful than photos. With the establishment of photography within modern culture, the medium sits together with other forms of imagery, from which it has been created and which it has helped to create, standing as a purely denotative form (Stafford & Faber 2005, p. 57). Photography shares a comparable cultural space with advertising imagery, with the later often relying on the former to deliver its message, while at the same time determining the purpose of photo depiction. Photography and advertising share a mutual and co-dependent past and as such can legitimately be regarded as correlated constructs and forms.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Immigration to the United States Essay Example for Free

Immigration to the United States Essay Immigrants in the the United States have been the backbone for American for centries. People from all over the world have come to live the American dream that so many hear about throughout the world. America has been home to every different natationalty one can think of, and between the years of 1836 to 1914, over 30 million Europeans migrated to the United States. [1] Now, in that time most of those immigrants were coming to America to become citizen of the United States with hopes of finding their own American dream. Today, the chase for the American dream has become a lot different and the majority of the immigrants funneling into American are the Latin Americans. With the hardships happen throughout Latin America, many are forced into finding a better life abroad. Like many other immigrants in the past, Latin Americans are turning to the United States for a better life. Economist have been trying to understand the effects immigration has had on the United States both positively and negatively for many years now. It is a hard task to understand the effects that Latin Americans have had on the United States labor market and there are many factors to be understood and many variables to examine. For this paper, I attempt to identify the outstanding influential factors that have charged this new wave of immigrants and effects it has had on the US economy both positively and negatively. The Pew Hispanic Center estimated in December 2012 that there were 11. 1 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U. S. s of March 2011, unchanged from the previous two years and a continuation of the sharp decline from its peak of 12 million in 2007. This decline has been the first significant decrease following two decades of growth up to 2007 [5]. Net immigration from Mexico to the U. S. has stopped and possibly reversed since 2010 and at its peak in 2000, about 770,000 immigrants arrived annually from Mexico; the majority arrived illegally. By 2010, the inflow had dropped to about 140,000, a majority of whom arrived as legal immigrants. 5] To understand the economics of this new immigration wave, one must find the main networks in which the Latin American are using to become part of the US economic system. Latin Americans came by the millions and many chose big cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and many parts of the American southwest. The reasoning behind that in somewhat obvious; because there are more jobs in big cities. Although the illegal immigrants were not aiming at high paid jobs in big cities, many Americans dont see the effect it has had to them personally. Like many Latin American immigrants, they turned to jobs that are mostly manual labor and require little education. Many choose this route because that is where the majority of Latin Americans can fit in and work in the US economy. When immigrants choose to migrate to another country, they tend to stay together and rely on one another for survival. They find that most relationships are based on kinship, friendship, and in particular, paisanaje (belonging to a common origin-community). Ties among paisanos actually appear to strengthen once they arrive in the United States, and this sociological change is reinforced by the emergence of community-based institutions, such as soccer clubs, which bring the migrants together. [2] Forming a community of immigrants in the same region make it easier to find jobs without having to start from scratch in an unknown world. Like many other immigrants in the past, they want to live close and stay together so it is easier to prosper economically. Illegal immigrants choose to work for below the minimum wage because one, they are illegal and cannot turn to the government for reinforcement, and two, they are making more money in the United States then they were in Latin America. Also, many firms in the United States would rather hire an illegal immigrant that is willing to work for less money versus an American citizen who is obligated to make minimum wage. When the recession hit the United States, more and more employers were forced to hire illegal immigrants which caused a vicious cycle throughout the American economy. American tax payers were losing jobs to illegal immigrants that were not paying taxes that ultimately dammaged the economy. Many saw this as a horrible cycle that was strictly caused by illegal immigrants and many make a compelling argument but on the contrary, it drives American citizens to become more educated and fight for higher paying jobs. For instance, immigrants are usually allocated to manual-intensive jobs, promoting competition and pushing natives to perform communication-intensive tasks more efficiently. This process, at the same time, reorganizes firms’ structure, producing efficiency gains and pushing natives towards cognitive and communication- intensive jobs that are better paid. [3] These effects might take sometime to unfold fully and be visible to the American people and the American economy but as history has told us, immigration does had a positive effect in the long-run. When the economy is growing, new immigration creates jobs in sufficient numbers to leave native employment unharmed, even in the relatively short run. During downturns, however, new immigrants are found to have a small negative impact on native employment in the short run (but not the long run)[3]. Though the share of low- skilled native-born individuals in the US labor force has fallen, employers continue to require less-educated workers in US agriculture, construction, food processing, building cleaning and maintenance, and other low-end jobs [2]. Immigrants, unauthorized immigrants in particular, have stepped in to provide the source of manpower. Unauthorized immigrant workers have been an important source of low-skilled labor supply to the US economy for many decades. With that, the burst of illegal immigrants moving into a certain region is hard for any economy to cope with. With the millions of people migrating to certain cities within the US, many firms were overwhelmed. Firms could not provide jobs to the American tax payers because of recession so many Americans turned to unemployment, which then relys on the government for support, which is another vicious cycle that has a negative effect through the entire United States. Although many see themsleves as low-skilled workers, other latin americans come to the United States for education. Parents see a brighter future for their children in America and being a illegal is worth the risk. Also, illegal immigration occurs because foreign workers can earn much more in the United States than they can at home and US immigration restrictions prevent them from entering the country through legal means. Consider the gain to emigration for a young urban male in Mexico who has completed nine years of education (which in Mexico is equivalent to finishing secondary school). Simply by moving to the United States, the worker’s annual income would rise by 2. times, even after controlling for cost-of-living differences between the two countries. [5] The income gain from migration is a result of international differences in labor productivity, with labor in the United States being far more productive than in Mexico [6]. People who want a high paying job in the United States have to come legally. Compared to the rest of the world, the United States has a high number or well educate d citizens. Since there has been many advances in technology, many now want to go to the United States for high paid jobs which the demand is increasing. For this many turn to green cards for legal immigration and will be allowed a certain amount of time to work in the United States. For high-skilled labor, legal immigration is the primary means of entering the United States. Compared to the rest of the world, the United States has an abundant supply of highly educated labor. One might expect that, if anything, skilled labor would want to leave the country rather than try to move here. However, over the past two decades the U. S. economy has enjoyed rapid advances in new technology, which have increased the demand for highly skilled labor. 7] The spread of information technology, among other developments, has created demand for software programmers, electrical engineers, and other skilled technicians. Even with the abundant U. S. supply of educated labor, technology-induced increases in labor demand have made the country an attractive destination for educated workers from abroad. Employment-based green cards and temporary work visas m ake such skilled immigration possible. Although many Latin Americans do try for a green card, many are turned away because of the long process and abundance of new illegal immigrants already in the United States. These benefits, however, are not shared equally. Labor inflows from abroad redistribute income away from workers who compete with immigrants in the labor market [4]. George Borjas estimates that over the period 1980 to 2000 immigration contributed to a decrease in average U. S. wages of 3 percent. [9] This estimate accounts for the total change in the U. S. labor force due to immigration, including both legal and illegal sources. Since immigration is concentrated among the low-skilled, low-skilled natives are the workers most likely to be hurt. Over the 1980 to 2000 period, wages of native workers without a high school degree fell by 9 percent as a result of immigration [8]. On the other hand, lower wages for low-skilled labor mean lower prices for goods and services, especially those whose prices are set in local markets rather than through competition in global markets [8]. Patricia Cortes finds that in the 1980s and 1990s U. S. cities with larger inflows of low-skilled immigrants experienced larger reductions in prices for housekeeping, gardening, child care, dry cleaning, and other labor-intensive, locally traded services[8]. On top of all that, according th laws of the Untied States, any citizen born on US soil if classified a American citizen. This law has caused the many problems for the Untied States and the illegal immigrants are taking full advantage of it. They cross the border into the US and immediately start having children. Now, the law was implemented a long time ago when migration to the US was needed but n ow it is a big problem because America now has millions of illegal immigrants not paying taxes and not getting health insurance but everything they do requires the help from legal tax payers. It is unfair to all tax payers and puts a damper on the US economy. Although some undocumented immigrants receive Social Security and Medicare benefits, the majority do not receive any benefits from those programs[10]. Since false Social Security numbers are not directly linked to an individual who can take advantage of Social Security benefits, the majority of contributions to Social Security from undocumented immigrants go into an earnings suspense file. The Social Security Administration factors in the over $7 billion annual contributions from undocumented im- migrants into the Social Security Administration’s calculations and projections for the solvency of Social Security. 10] The retirement of the baby boom generation will lead to increased expenditures for Social Security and additional tax revenue is needed to provide Social Security benefits to current and future retirees. [11] Since undocumented immigrants are ineligible to receive government services, it is estimated that undocumented immi- grants pay an average of $1,800 per househ old, per year more to Social Security and Medicare than they utilize in services [12] Therefore, undocumented immigrants actually help Social Security and Medicare and help to provide services to current and future retirees. Moving forward to the the state and local level of immigrantion which sheds light to the impat on a smaller scale. While current rhetoric in the immigration debate decries how undocumented workers steal jobs, immigrants working in the U. S. do not take away jobs from citizens; instead they stimulate the state and local economies and complement the workforce by providing a necessary pool of unskilled labor. [13] Although there are many costs involved, there may be economic benefits associated with having undocumented children in schools that are often not considered. Higher student enrollment can create more jobs, not just for teachers, but for all educational related services like administrators, maintenance staff, teaching assistants and other professionals, bus drivers, and other school staff which would help local and state economies. The creation of jobs as a result of higher student enrollment often results in an increase in federal funding for schools and can lead to an increase in state and local revenue generated by income and sales taxes. [14] Also, when ore people are going to school there is back school shopping which also has a big impact for business during the year. Contrary to the implication that immigrants exacerbate unemployment, high rates of immigration are linked to less unemployment [16]. This does not diminish the economy, but encourages specialization and increases wages for native workers [17]. Most undocumented immigrants in the U. S. work in low-skilled jobs and do not compete with American workers. The influx of low-skilled laborers into the U. S. as been shown to slow the decline of manufacturing industries and contribute to the creation of new jobs [18]. For example, the Bell Policy Center found that for every job held by an undocumented immigrant in Colorado, 0. 8 jobs are created [19]. While there are not that many official estimates from the federal government showing how much undocumented immigrants contribute to the U. S. economy, the research indicates that undocumented immigration is part of a positive force that immigration has upon the U. S. economy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages Of The Recycling Process

Advantages Of The Recycling Process As the word recycling denotes to, it involves a process in which used materials are processed chemically or by a scientific processes or organically into new products for further use, which comes as the useful material out of the waste. There are many kinds of recycling process being initiated, be it paper recycling, plastic recycling, garbage recycling, to name a few among the common features of recycling process involved. The need that arises to recycle used material and products, be it plastics, garbages etc is significant in a sense given that environmental concerns and the impact of used material to be precise has had a detrimental effect on the environment. Environmentalists are very much in favor of the recycling concepts, given that it adds ups to the environmental cause and the benefits are tremendous. There are many advantages of the recycling process involved for material or any matter thereof. The significance and importance of recycling process also cannot just be sided apart and brushed inside the carpet. Many prominent personalities and global leader are also very much in favor of recycling concepts and measures initiated in that regard. To top it all, with scientific and technological advancement, the process of recycling also have been made easier and convenient enough to derive the best out of every measured undertaken and in a sense to produce fresh material out of the material already in use. The cost involved also is lesser with long term benefits; ecologically that is initiated through sustainable measures. Purpose and Issue The subject matter in generic when it concern to recycling is a huge avenue to explore upon, literally. There are bundles of materials and coverage that defines the many faces of recycling process, its advantages, disadvantages, significance and all in between the feature that stand aloof from the ordinary. What is particular to recycling can be analyzed from different lenses. Generally, recycling has a greater impact today than ever before. The subject matter of its discussion and pointer for arguments also is a heated topic, either in the academic, political and environmental groups and their circles. Emphasizing in respect of the subject matter in discussion, it should be clarified herein that the purpose of this report is to define the many aspects of recycling in general and what makes it so important and significant in the contemporary world today. Issue that is interrelated to the subject matter also can be analyzed from an objective perspective. Take for instance the concern being raised for garbage and waste disposal that are generated and garbage management process involved that harms the environment and its surrounding. In another instance, question that also arises can be bracketed towards material and products that are being used haphazardly and disposed off unnecessarily. Yet there is every purpose to be identified that may be significant to counterview the essence of recycling, and everything involved in it. In that capacity and in context of recycling in general, the question and purpose of this report is to define and extrapolate the following questions in general as can be summarized below:- What defines the nature and significance of recycling in general? How can recycling be achieved for its designated purpose and benefits to be generated in that regard? Does the question of recycling in general readily register with the public domains? If that is the case then how, and why not if it is otherwise? Does recycling takes shapes only from the environmental concern being raised in the materialistic world that we live in? Above all, what are the features in substance involving recycling? How are recycling process achieved, and what are the different aspects of recycling? In general, and in particular to this question, recycling can be of many different types. Take for instance paper recycling, plastic recycling, e-material waste recycling to name a few among its class, which involves different tactics and scientific process involved to achieve the desired goals of recycling as a measure for environmental benefits. Considering these question in general, it should be clarified that this report attempts to extrapolate the many aspects of recycling process in general in consideration of the above-mentioned question, which is discussed as follows. Defining the Nature and Significance of Recycling Looking back as to where recycling and its concepts originated is hard to trace and is based on speculation, although people have been recycling material and products one or the other way since longtime back. And the concept of recycling is not a new altogether. But its impact and that which register readily with the public is felt with greater force in the contemporary context. To start with in this regard specific to this part of the discussion, experts and scholars are of the opinion that nature possesses a tremendous capacity to recycle several categories of waste by biodegradation aided by decomposer organism on earth. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) This is true in a sense, given that recycling process at best can be aided by the process of biodegradation. Yet there are certain things that biodegradations at times make it hard to reach the salient objective of recycling processes, that also for certain material and products and that which calls for technology and scientific advancement. Nonetheless, with scientific and technological advancements today, recycling process can be aided and facilitated accordingly in reaping the results that has a greater impact to make a change and stabilize the negative effects of waste materials that are generated daily in huge capacity by people across the globe and their activities. Going back to the nature of recycling, it should be looked into the encompassing facts that several municipal and as well as solid industrial waste have the potential to be recycled, where the call of the time is for appropriate technology. The good news although is that new technique are being maximized considerably to make the recycling process worth enough in recovering materials that maybe useful for further use after processing, rather than going to the landfill. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) In this respect, we can reason that recycling process has a greater significance than ever before. As a matter of fact, people around the globe today also are harnessing the best out of what technology has to offer and making the best use of it to recycle waste products and garbages into some useful materials as byproducts. Moreover, a point to consider again when it matter to recycling concepts in general is that its impact and awareness is being felt greatly in the current scenario. Add to it, the good news is that the growth for market for many classes of recycling material is due in part due to policy incentives, but also to more general conditions. (OECD, 2006, p. 11) Questions being raised by policy makers and environmentalist alike when it concerns the environment also counter point the salient instance for recycling and its initiative. The need to facilitate a habitual cause showered a way as well to be precise, where recycling and its processes is the call of the hour as an urgent measure to keep the environment in check from distracting elements. In context of the above notion and its arguments, what we can reason again is the fact that many cases and causes of recycling and its development process take roots under instances and measures initiated by public authority for a solution that seeks and attempts to reach a conclusion that is beneficial, (OECD, 2006, p. 11) for the environment, the society and feeding the ever increasing needs of the materialistic society that we live in today. To conclude in this regard, attending to the need of the society for material and products can be reasoned again to be good enough to be reached through recycling process, where waste materials are processed as byproducts, either be it for paper, e-waste, garbages etc through measures wherein recycling assist and further expands the very notion of ecological measures and sustainable development process in the contemporary society today. Environmental Concerns and the many face of Recycling In each and every instance when it matter to the subject matter arguments, environmental concerns and its features have always make a mark to claims a place of contention in between to derive astonishing discussion in the society. Measure initiated accordingly and in respect to derive best available solutions towards the hazard of waste material is also one pointer to put into force for a constructive solution through recycling processes. In respect of the abovementioned pointer, the need for recycling also can be looked again not only to the environmental concerns alone, but also towards public health and safety in regard. The best example in that capacity also can be emphasized and measured in contention towards industrial waste such as chemicals and their source activity that posit greater hazards (DIANEPublishingCompany, 1996, p. 33) to the environment as well to the society and public health in the forms of insecticides, herbicides, chemical paints, waste and harmful construction materials, waste oils, which carry within them a residue that is harmful and can impact the environment negatively in many ways. (DIANEPublishingCompany, 1996, p. 33) Hence, concerns being raised are not unnecessarily. The objective to define the features of recycling also can be put into force the practicality of the process involved overall in seeking a solution that is effective ad has greater benefits for the society today. What have been the crucial development that brought about the necessary measures in context of recycling processes are the features that relates towards waste material management itself and the concern being raised and options available in that regard. There is every point to note the fact from an ecological perspective, wherein the concerns have been over the effect of human actions on the environment, (Robert V. Percival, 1997, p. 3) which is a matter of fact. Increasing human activities in the societies have brought about many changes that have impacted the environment drastically. Moreover, waste that are generated daily that amount to millions of tons are finding it hard to find a landfill. The sad state is that the materialistic world that we live in further makes the issue of waste and its generation worse in a sense. Its something that goes like the adage something lost in translation. Yet solutions are there, but with least effect given the development stages and ever increasing wants of humans. Considering these crucial aspects and the critical issue of waste and its environmental impact, the questions that can be been raised again as a matter of fact is where to put up all the waste material generated daily apart from the recycling process for certain waste materials. The hard fact is that people and the society today have found themselves in situations where it reached a stage of declining of landfills, wherein the features of it reflect many factors in context of recycling as a necessary measure to be undertaken. To top it all, the fact that is relevant also can be emphasized again to the question and its arguments being raised to many aspects of waste material and garbages landfills that have been closed as they pose unacceptable environmental risks related to locations, designs, operations and most importantly because such landfills have filled up, (Richard A. Denison, 1990, p. 4) where a solution to such concern and problems are being initiated in context of recycling waste and other materials for a solution that also facilitate an environmental cause. Yet the development process in that regard is heading in a snail pace, despite the many measure being taken towards environmental concerns and the need for recycling for a lasting and relevant solution. An Exemplification of Recycling Types and their Benefits In general and looking at the concerns being raised towards waste material, we are of the opinion that there are many forms and formats of recycling processes and their types to differentiate upon. Take for example recycling process initiated toward paper, plastic, e-waste, metals and glasses and the environmental benefits that can be derived to be precise in each one of it. Plastic as we know of are one of the many hazards thats posits harmful and negative ecological impact. Take for example the fact that it would be hard to imagine a modern society today without plastic, given that plastic have found itself a place in myriad uses in fields as diverse as home appliances, construction, medicines, and packaging, (Goodship, 2007, p. 5) to name a few of its many uses that human cannot do away with or without. Hence the effect of its waste on the environment is also greater, and posits many risks and health concerns. As a matter of fact, the benefits from recycled plastic to be precise are tremendous. Generally, plastic are made from crude oil, hence recycling of plastic waste material further assist in conserving the natural resource in the form of crude oil, (Goodship, 2007, p. 5) feels experts. Looking back to this notion and reflecting the measure being initiated, we are of the opinion that the need for appropriate technology always make a mark to claim a place in instances as detailed above, given that several municipal and industrial waste has the potential to be recycled and processed for further use, and in that respect the need of the hour is appropriate technology for recycling, each one the suits specific purpose. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) To cite an example again when it concern to recycling; especially paper recycling, we are of the opinion that paper recycling and the benefits of it can be measured in great many ways, given that out of new paper, hard cardboard, and other high grade paper that are recycled, by products can be generated in the form of new material that are recovered by the application of available technology for use again in the most effective way. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 44) Besides, out of paper recycling to be precise and the endeavor made and facilitated in that regard as well, many environmental causes can be kept at check or minimize the same in the most effective ways. The means to look for new paper also does not arise, if cases such as recycling of paper make readily available material for use that can be generated through recycling process. Conclusion What we can finally conclude is that technology, scientific, biological and chemical process comes as the best measure to be reached for each particular recycling measures initiated towards waste materials for a benefit outcomes. Going back and reflecting towards recycling altogether, and reaching a conclusion from an economic perspective, there is reason enough to reflect and to emphasized with the fact that recycling process of any given waste materials has value additions, given that waste has a negative economic and environmental value, and also add up as a big techno-economic problem for the society. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 41) Yet a point to note and the hard fact is that recycling and awareness measure initiated in that regard is good instance considering the issue at stake in aiding and furthering the essence and quality of life in the society for a sustainable solutions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

In this experiment I am going to investigate how different :: Bilogy

In this experiment I am going to investigate how different concentrations of sucrose solution can alter the process of osmosis on a potato chip, and in what way it does this. Osmosis Aim: In this experiment I am going to investigate how different concentrations of sucrose solution can alter the process of osmosis on a potato chip, and in what way it does this. Prediction: I predict that due to osmosis and diffusion when there is a pure water solution the potato chip will swell as it absorbs the water to equalise. However, if there is a mild/rich sucrose solution on the out side of the potato chip it will shrink as water is sucked out of them by the process of osmosis. Research: If substance has a semi-permeable wall with holes small enough to allow small water molecules to pass through but not big enough to allow greater sized molecules such as sucrose molecules. Osmosis is a type of diffusion; when there is a higher concentration of a certain type of molecule on one side of a semi-permeable membrane, a process of diffusion (osmosis) tries to level out the balance of the highly concentrated solution to lower the concentration until it is equal on both sides. For example: Some water is placed in a science beaker (A), and then some 20% sucrose 80% water solution is placed in a piece of visking tubing (D). When this is placed in the water contained in the beaker (A) there becomes an imbalance of concentrations either side of the semi-permeable membrane, on the inside of the membrane there is a stronger concentration or ratio of sucrose against water than there is in the outside. Therefore the sucrose would be required to equalise, by 10% or so moving to the outside of the tubing, there comes the problem. Due to the size of the small holes in the visking tubing, big molecules, such as sugar, C6H12O6 that is 24 atoms big, cannot pass through, however small ones such as water, H2O with three atoms to a molecule, can. Therefore, since there is no way of moving the sugar, the best thing to do is to add more water to the inside of the visking tubing. By osmosis and diffusion, the smaller molecules move into the visking tubing whilst the bigger sugar molecules stay. That is osmosis. Plants also use this method to provide nutrients and various chemicals to their cells. Equipment: For my experiment I will need a total of: Four test tubes; one potato; 2%, 5%, 10%, 20% sucrose and water solution; one knife; one marble cutting plate; aluminium foil; four sticky labels. Method: 1. Cut the potato into equal strips and weigh them.